


          The companywas founded by HermannFliessin Duisburg, Germany in 1915.Within a few yearsthe company established itselfas amajor manufacturer ofcovered electrodesand gasweldingrods.

          TodayFliessis an internationalmanufacturerof welding consumables, followingthree simpleprinciples:highquality, speedand uncompromisingcustomer fulfillment.

           Fliess is specialised in medium-alloy welding filler materials for high-strength, heat-resistant, lowtemperature and weatherproof steels. The production program includesover 80qualities thatareavailablein allcoilstypes andall diameters. In addition to thecomprehensive basicprogramwe implementspecific solutionsto customeras customembossedbarsand optimizedforlarge unitsSAW andMIG-wire electrodes.

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